Mental Health Contacts

Mental Health

Need someone to talk to?

Mental Health Contacts

Mental Health Services

Mental Health Support – Directory

NHS Talking Therapies – (includes MindsMatter, IAPT and First Step programmes) for patients with a Wyre postcode

NHS Blackpool Talking Therapies for patients living in Blackpool postcodes

Local Services

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for 5-18 years (patients with a Blackpool postcode)

Healthy Young Minds (self-referral)

School nurses – website and leaflet

Self Help

Self help leaflets

Self help apps for your phone

Following the “5 steps to wellbeing” can improve your mental health and overall wellbeing. 

Building good mental health in children and young people

Mental health support for children and young people (also includes resources for professionals and loved ones)

Mental Health in Primary Care